Parkinson's and Associated Disorders 2025 - Home Page

Engage in thought-provoking discussions and network with healthcare professionals from around the world

Collocated with our fantastic National Dementias Conference, and chaired by Dr. Robin Fackrell, this conference brings together a series of expert-led sessions, brilliant workshops and engaging discussion focused on the latest advancements in diagnosing, treating, and managing Parkinson's and Associated Disorders.

Learn from a diverse and comprehensive agenda of talks, presented by leading experts in the field sharing the latest research, therapeutics, diagnostic tools and clinical findings related to the treatment of Parkinson's and movement disorders.

 Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your clinical practice with Parkinson's and Associated Disorders 2025!

Why Attend?

Our Previous Speakers at Parkinson's Include:

Alaistair Noyce
Professor of Neurology and Neuroepidemiology and Consultant Neurologist
Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust
Camille Carroll
Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Honorary Consultant Neurologist
Newcastle University
Christopher Kobylecki
Consultant Neurologist
Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences
Ross Dunne
Consultant Psychiatrist, Honorary Senior Lecturer
University of Manchester